New Look

New Look

Well, it's a new year and I wanted a new look! And why not on the birthday of one of my favourite humans, David Bowie (and my Nana Nora!)

I've worked really hard on creating an easy-to-use website that looks good too. I hope I have achieved that.

New features to check out: you can now shop by scent. You can pick a scent and choose any shape wax melt you would like.

You can arrange the products alphabetically, by best sellers etc.

Also, the search option means you can search specific products or even tag words like 'clean' or 'lavender'.

Plus, blends! We now have a small number of blends available to buy - but we will be expanding this list. 

I really hope you love the new website as much as me, and I welcome any feedback!


Amy x

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